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Update parent form with data from subform

  • Anonymous
    # 3 years, 11 months ago


    I am trying to set up a workflow that will allow me to pass some data from a subform back into fields in a parent form. The Subform does have a lookup field that refers back to the parent form. How can I reference this in the deluge script in a way that will allow me to take data inputted in the subform and update a field in the parent form?

    One thing to note is that the subform is completed independently of the parent form – i.e. it is it’s own form, not embedded in the parent form when being filled out. I would like to have something for an On Success script that will take data and update the parent form that was identified in the lookup field.


    # 3 years, 11 months ago

    If they’re linked update it on success

    parentRecord = formName[ID == Lookup_Value];
    parentRecord.FieldName = “whatever”;

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